Yeah Yeah, I know I am two months late exactly, but I had to post about Twilight. I'll try and stay updated a little better now. I won the Alice look a like contest at the midnight movie. Do I really look like Alice, Nah, but I still like the t shirt and poster.
hey james haven't seen ya in awhile! I don't know how often you get on this thing. I 'll probably see you before you see this but here's our blog address so you can check it out! Love you guys! Oh this is the address if it doesn't show up
Hi smalls.
hey james haven't seen ya in awhile! I don't know how often you get on this thing. I 'll probably see you before you see this but here's our blog address so you can check it out! Love you guys! Oh this is the address if it doesn't show up
Jamal I think the 5th one of these movies is out now. You need to step up your game and update the blog.
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