Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Chris Cagle Concert for Labor Day Weekend in Dillon Montana

Check out these two hotties that Chris got to stare at all night ;) Did I mention how close to the stage we were? No, he didn't hold my hand and sing to me inches away from my face like Dierks did, but it was still so fun.
CHRIS CAGLE...LOVE HIM This concert was a lot of fun. Probably because I was there with one of my very best friends in the world, Tennille. We also brought our husbands along and Ten's nephew Seth. It was Seth's first concert ever. It was cold at first but before the night was over, I shed my winter jacket and had a blast. You know me and concerts.

This is a picture of the lead singer from Emerson Drive.

1 comment:

Tennille said...

Yes it was a ton of fun and I hope we can do it again sometime! Miss you!